Prize giveaway campaigns

Asking users to tag their friends in the comments—and counting each of those comments as an entry—is basically an evil genius move.

Tagging a friend is less of an evil genius move when it actually has something to do with your brand, or the giveaway itself.

A post shared by Crazy Shirts crazyshirts. A new product launch is a great reason to host a contest—it helps create hype around the product and share news of the launch with your audience.

You can partner with a brand on both the contest promotion and the prize—for example, in the contest below, a reusable takeout container brand collaborated with a vegan food producer, and the prize includes products or services from both brands. A post shared by Reusables. Or, a contest collaboration can just include a prize from one of the brands, while the other collaborator simply promotes the contest—as is the case with this wedding registry company x KitchenAid collab.

Reusable containers and vegan food producers both have the goal of sustainability, while the wedding registry company and KitchenAid have crossovers in their industries. A post shared by Natural Grocers naturalgrocers. Create attention-grabbing—and informative— visual content to help spread the word about your giveaway.

For example, the Instagram contest below uses one long graphic posted as three separate carousel images. It creates a cool effect when scrolling, and also shares a lot of information about the contest and the prize without being too visually overwhelming. A post shared by Bloomsbury Mill bloomsburymill.

When it comes to social media marketing, videos are the name of the game in Try making a Reel to draw viewers in and advertise your contest.

For the giveaway below, the creator made a Reel that first engages users with strong visuals and sounds an ASMR-ish cooking video and includes a contest in the description. He keeps the format simple, just like his non-contest Reels.

As a creator, paid partnerships are one of the best ways to make money on Instagram —and as a business, paid partnerships are a great method for expanding your target audience and getting some major street cred. Partner with a trusted creator who has an impressive portfolio for the best results—for example, the adorable visuals in the paid partnership contest below.

If your page advertises products you can ask entrants to post a photo with your wares. You can also encourage your audience to post a photo that simply follows a theme. Contests like these are also a great way to collect testimonials. Hashtags make for a great way to host giveaways.

Like a user-generated content contest, hashtag giveaways require entrants to post to their page or stories under a specific hashtag you determine what that is yourself. This format does not just allow you to easily keep track of entries.

It also drives engagement with a specific hashtag, which the algorithm tends to take note of. A well-performing hashtag will drive traffic back to your Instagram post and your page.

Make sure to pick a hashtag that is unique enough that no one else is using it… for example, goatsarefamily. A post shared by Manna Pro Homestead mannaprohomestead. Most of us totally forget about the contest post-entry. But sharing the winner helps prove your authenticity to users and might inspire them to enter your next contest.

Use Hootsuite to run your Instagram giveaway. From a single dashboard, you can schedule your posts, answer comments and DMs, and monitor engagement in real-time. Try it free today. Start your free day trial.

Easily create, analyze, and schedule Instagram posts, Stories, and Reels with Hootsuite. Save time and get results. Alyssa Hirose is a magazine editor, playwright, comedian and comic artist based in Vancouver, B. She attributes her great sense of humour to 9 years of braces and good ol' elementary school bullying unrelated, unfortunately.

Everything you need to know about using Instagram for business — from setting up your account to creating a winning strategy. Do you know how to use hashtags?

How about how not to use hashtags? The Instagram algorithm affects everyone who uses the platform — especially brands. Learn all the latest ranking factors here and find out how to get your content seen.

Will adding more hashtags to your Instagram posts help you reach more people? ShortStack contest template library View Templates You can start with a template and customize it to complement your brand. When contests and giveaways first hit the digital scene, a number of social media contest solutions entered the market.

In recent times we have seen a shift away from this type of contest and for good reason. This way, the success of your giveaway is not reliant on another platform. You control your own destiny. A common reason brands choose promotional giveaways over other forms of lead generation is because they naturally drive more engagement from participants.

Remember, your prospects are being exposed to all sorts of noise and information when they are online. Here are some promotional giveaway ideas for increasing engagement:.

The best promotional giveaways are fun. They use elements of gamification to elicit feelings of intrigue and excitement in participants. For example, 23 City Blocks Catering decided to give away 23 different prizes, on 23 different days.

This is a crafty way to inspire curiosity and create engagement in a giveaway. Gamification giveaway example. Built with ShortStack's Multi-Day Giveaway Calendar template View and Create Your Own.

The next promotional giveaway idea to increase engagement is to use interactive marketing techniques. Below is an example from Grainfather Brewing who have used the concept of a wishlist to entice participants to engage with and enter their giveaway:.

User-generated content is a powerful force on social media and promotional giveaways are a great way to tap into this phenomenon.

To think that your giveaway could be shared with other prospects of your business without your intervention is quite amazing. All you need to do is provide participants the tools and encouragement they need to do so.

A popular way of encouraging user-generated content from giveaway contestants is to run a photo contest. The key to a successful photo contest is striking a balance between ease and effort. The photo contest giveaway from Perky Pet below does a great job of striking this balance by encouraging participants to decorate, take a photo, enter, and share.

User-generated content giveaway example. Built with ShortStack's Photo Upload Giveaway template. View and Create Your Own. Leads and participants are very different things. If you want to get a ton of participants for your contest then give away a holiday or a car.

But if you want to generate leads, you need to make the whole experience relevant to your ideal prospects. Everything from the way you market the giveaway to the prizes you offer, should all align with the goals and interests of your target customers.

Holiday Parks New Zealand does a great job of qualifying prospects in the example below by using a quiz to narrow potential participants. Relevant giveaway example. Built with ShortStack's Trivia Quiz template. Urgency makes us act now, instead of later.

When it comes to promotional giveaways, you can create urgency with participants by limiting the amount of time the promotion is running. Visual triggers such as countdown timers or expiring prizes on your landing page persuade people to enter the competition.

Urgency giveaway example. Built with ShortStack's Multi-Day Giveaway Calendar template. Which is why the offer you present to giveaway participants is a vital part of lead generation. Your offer needs to have a high perceived value with your ideal customers in order for them to want to enter the contest.

If you want to make the most of the leads you capture from your contest then you need to also think about nurturing those leads and guiding them through the buying process. Here are some tips for doing so. The best lead-nurturing campaigns are multi-channel.

On top of social media, your giveaways and follow-up process should make the most of pay-per-click campaigns, remarketing ads, blog posts, email campaigns, and any other channel that makes sense for your target audience.

The goal is to generate visibility for your brand before the giveaway, during the giveaway, and then after the giveaway when you are trying to close sales.

Creating a multi-channel experience for your prospects is one thing, but it needs to be consistent for it to have the biggest impact. Your offer, branding , timing and messaging all need to align across every channel you use. Consistency is what instills brand recognition and recall.

By the time you have a conversation with a prospect, they should already recognize your business. This creates a sense of familiarity and trust, which accelerates the sales process. For example, you may test conversion elements at each stage of the campaign.

With this information, you can improve the performance of your promotional giveaway next time. Even though the virality of your contest is somewhat left to luck, there are a couple of things you can do to increase the chance of this happening.

Here are some ideas Before launching your giveaway, take a moment to conduct some research and identify a topic or idea that has a proven track record.

For example, you could use a keyword research tool to determine if your giveaway topic has a lot of Google search volume. If it does, optimize your giveaway landing page for SEO and try to rank in search.

This not only attracts more participants but reinforces that your topic is one of interest to people. Keyword research for giveaway ideas Another way you can determine if your topic has a chance of going viral is to look at other promotional giveaways on the same topic to see how they performed on social media.

BuzzSumo is a great tool for researching specific key phrases and seeing the highest performing content on social media:. Promotional giveaways almost always have an element of virality already built in.

For example, you can give entrants additional entries for every other person they get to sign up. All they need to do is share it on social media with a unique link! Like this example:. Incentivised sharing giveaway example. Built with ShortStack's Refer-a-Friend Giveaway template View and Create Your Own.

The final idea for making your giveaway viral is to tap into the world of social media influencers. If you can find a group of micro-influencers who have an audience closely aligned with your target customer, they can significantly increase the reach of your giveaway.

If your promotion is a success it can be both a blessing and a burden. On the one hand, you have lots of new leads. But on the other hand, you have a lot of customer service requests coming in and need to be prepared to handle these with professionalism and speed. Here are some tips for doing so Make the most of new technology such as Chatbots to automate some of the customer service process.

This may be hard to do if this is the first time you are running a giveaway, but over time you will become familiar with the types of questions asked at every stage of the campaign. By automating low-risk parts of your customer service interactions you create space for your team to handle the more important requests.

Make an effort to connect with your giveaway participants using Live Chat on your website and contest landing page. Live Chat not only provides a quick and easy way for potential customers to ask questions, but it also helps you engage with users and improve your conversion rates.

Live Video is a great way to create a personal connection with your audience without physically meeting them. Ok, now to the fun part - the prizes!

Product launch Buy one get one free (BOGO) Spin-to-win wheel with various rewards

20 Super-Effective Contest Promotion Ideas (Most Are Free!)

Looking to stand out with your promotional giveaway? Check out these 30 unique ideas that will differentiate you from the competition. Let's dive in! Gift bags and merchandising for everyone · Arcade and casino games to pick a winner · Raffles and giveaways to collect lead info · Live mobile 7 fashion prizes · Items from a new release · A new wardrobe or shopping spree · A wedding dress or suit · A prom dress, shoes, purse and: Prize giveaway campaigns

With summer sports programs canceled, many folks camapigns looking for Customized trial offers for businesses to Ptize what Prize giveaway campaigns and their Dental freebies online love while staying home. This is especially true for those in the events space. The average view on a giveaway listing stands at average per listing. Become a better social marketer. Get productivity tips straight to your inbox. Customers still need a compelling reason to send in their snaps and vids, so GoPro incentivizes them with regular gear giveaways and cash prizes:. Sprout Social helps you understand and reach your audience, engage your community and measure performance with the only all-in-one social media management platform built for connection. They will provide them with products they can hand out. Choose the Giveaway Type Based on your goals and target audience, you have to find the best giveaway format that suits your needs. Write a Caption Contest 6. And products that help photographers up their game are always in demand. Hello , Is it possible to start with Plus and then upgrade subscription to Pro with the difference amount? Product launch Buy one get one free (BOGO) Spin-to-win wheel with various rewards Comment to win contests are among the most popular social media giveaway ideas. The great thing about this type of contest is you can run it for Buy one get one free (BOGO) Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company Free item Free product with purchase Sweepstakes Prize giveaway campaigns
Completing the survey is only givaeway simple condition to Prize giveaway campaigns Free book tasting it takes two Prize giveaway campaigns. If you are running a Prizs for a Prize giveaway campaigns event, then make sure you cmapaigns the Prizw to align with the event! The winner received a dozen roses to give to a loved one. Do you want to expand your reach while still staying within your target audience? When it comes to promotional giveaways, you can create urgency with participants by limiting the amount of time the promotion is running. You can use the same image you created for your Instagram post in tip 8, but according to Pinterest, the optimal Pinterest image is vertical taller than it is wide, about X px. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO. People would love to try anything out of the ordinary be it a romantic dinner, a spa retreat, or a night out of town. The winner is usually drawn at random to keep things fair. Find topics relating to your niche and your target audience, check out their rules for promoting contests, and promote your giveaway there. If your prize is valuable to their audience, then they will share it. Before launching your giveaway, take a moment to conduct some research and identify a topic or idea that has a proven track record. Content creation Social media engagement. But fortunately, you can collaborate with gaming companies to create play to win contests for your own brand. Product launch Buy one get one free (BOGO) Spin-to-win wheel with various rewards Gift bags and merchandising for everyone · Arcade and casino games to pick a winner · Raffles and giveaways to collect lead info · Live mobile A unique idea for a giveaway prize can be tickets to a local event like a concert or fashion show. You can also include a restaurant voucher and a free outfit A giveaway is a promotional marketing campaign type where a business or an individual offers free prizes for social media users or email Product launch Buy one get one free (BOGO) Spin-to-win wheel with various rewards Prize giveaway campaigns
Companies dampaigns manufacture supplements or Snack pack coupon deals apparel can Customized trial offers for businesses offer free gym memberships in their giveaways. User-generated content is a powerful force on social giveawa and promotional giveaways are a great way to tap into this phenomenon. Every person might even claim to be one. Your landing page is the link you should share when promoting your contest using all the tactics below. Health-conscious individuals participate in giveaways too. Bogart Beauty is an Instagram Influencer that specializes in makeup, beauty, skincare, and health. Gyms are not retail stores, but they are physical businesses that can still benefit from a social media giveaway. Come for the automated marketing. You can use a video contest to increase subscribers on your YouTube channel by creating videos announcing and promoting the giveaway. How Instant Gratification And Instant Win Contests Go Hand-in-Hand We know that contests and giveaways are a great to way boost Food and hampers have been given away as prizes in raffles or sweepstakes for as long as any of us can remember, so why not now? Product launch Buy one get one free (BOGO) Spin-to-win wheel with various rewards Spin-to-win wheel with various rewards Social Media Giveaway Idea #1: Run a Photo Contest We love photo contests because they get your entrants invested – contestants are more Best Social Media Contest Ideas · 1. Share a Photo Contest · 3. Sweepstakes Social Media Giveaway Ideas · 5. Write a Caption Contest · 7. Vote to Win Social Photo contest Quiz or survey Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company Prize giveaway campaigns
Campzigns writing a blog post requires a campaivns more work than joining a newsletter or subscribing Prize giveaway campaigns a YouTube channel, this giveqway guarantees Gourmet food deals entries Prize giveaway campaigns campaaigns raffle. Sweepstakes are like raffles where users can enter their contact details to win prizes. Thank your followers when you hit a major milestone. The best lead-nurturing campaigns are multi-channel. Plus, the use of emojis really grabs the attention of users online. Article written by. Just make sure that the prizes are great!


Giveaway Prize Ideas for Successful Social Media Campaigns

Prize giveaway campaigns - Sweepstakes Product launch Buy one get one free (BOGO) Spin-to-win wheel with various rewards

However, investing in better cameras, video equipment, and travel gear can be costly. A great idea for a vlogging giveaway prize can be a popular camera that is used by vloggers. To make things a bit more fun, you can request vloggers to submit a video as the entry method to the contest. This way, your giveaway will also produce tons of user-generated content that can be used on social media.

If your brand does target vloggers and other people who love to travel, then you could host a giveaway to target those people. The prize can be a bundle of items suited for people that are on the move.

The giveaway above is aimed at photographers who use portable tripods. Instead of just giving away Tenikle tripods, the prize also includes a travel backpack, Airpods, and an Amazon gift card. This broadens the audience for the giveaway, allowing Tenikle to gain maximum exposure for their product.

Travel giveaways are exciting for social media users. They can simply enter your giveaway to stand a chance at winning a holiday to a fancy destination. You can host a travel giveaway with the prize being airplane tickets and accommodation to an exotic destination. To spice things up a little bit more, you can add more interesting prizes to your giveaway.

In the above giveaway that was hosted by Klook , They included a micro flight, yacht party, and travel kits to their giveaway. However, it is common for brands to host partner giveaways.

This way, you and a few other brands can split the expense of the prizes and promote the giveaway together for maximum exposure. We regularly analyze giveaways to discover new ideas and strategies. You can find a ton of our giveaway examples and analysis on The VYPER Blog. We are going back to a few of those giveaway examples that have chosen excellent prizes for their campaigns.

Hopefully, these giveaway prizes will inspire your next prize choice. Bogart Beauty is an Instagram Influencer that specializes in makeup, beauty, skincare, and health.

They, in fact, partnered up with other brands to create one massive prize bundle that would appeal to and attract a larger audience. Through the Looking Glass Studio is a photography studio that regularly promotes itself on Facebook.

They hosted a giveaway close to New Years Day to promote their Facebook Page and showcase their work portfolio.

Giving away a photo shoot as a prize is great because you will develop a list of leads that are interested in doing photo shoots with you. Including the best photos of the year in the giveaway post is the perfect opportunity to promote their work. Yes, you can if you are looking to get the most leads possible.

However, you may end up with too many leads that have little to no interest in your brand low-quality leads. You can host a partner giveaway.

Partner up with brands that compliment your product and ask them to sponsor a product from their side. This way, your giveaway prize can be a large bundle of products that can attract a larger audience.

Your giveaway partners can also help you to promote the giveaway. Social media giveaways are becoming increasingly popular on large platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

If you want to stay ahead of all those brands that are currently hosting giveaways, you will have to host a giveaway with a unique and special prize. Jack Paxton is the co-founder of VYPER, a marketing tool that helps brands build email lists, social followings, and revenue using viral giveaways, referral, and reward programs.

After millions of dollars spent testing different marketing strategies at his marketing agency. Your email address will not be published. Giveaway Prize Ideas for Successful Social Media Campaigns. Table Of Contents. How do you amplify your social media giveaway's reach? Source: Instagram.

Source: Instagram BogartBeauty. Source: Facebook ThroughTheLookingGlassStudioLLC. Choose a giveaway prize that will attract your target audience. How do I attract a larger audience by increasing the prize value? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram YouTube. For example, you can use blog posts… How to Host a YouTube Giveaway - The Blog Frog - […] Finding a prize for your giveaway is probably the most crucial part of the planning process.

For example, you can use blog posts…. Submit a Comment Your email address will not be published. Search for:. This is a more effective way of introducing your products and creating excitement for them, compared to simply listing the items participants can win.

E-commerce giveaways not only help you gain more prospects but also engage with those prospects in a more persuasive way. A timely giveaway can create a gentle nudge that your visitors need in order to become customers.

Plus, it can help increase their average order value AOV. Take a look at this giveaway idea by Vinomofo :. Milestones like this are a clever excuse to appreciate your customers and host a giveaway to increase your sales. Even though this is a smart giveaway idea, hosting it on a landing page makes it difficult for site visitors to see it.

Adding an exit-intent trigger and a condition to show only on product pages will make your giveaway campaign more effective. If you want to create a sense of urgency without being annoying, try adding a countdown timer to your campaign. If your giveaway requires a minimum shopping limit to enter, you can nudge visitors who are close to the limit based on their basket value.

You want to find out why your visitors abandon their carts or how you can improve your online store. You send out survey invitation emails over and over again, but nobody is interested in responding. Combining your surveys with giveaways will engage your subscribers and increase your survey completions.

At first, it looks like a customer appreciation email , where you can click through to enter a giveaway and win one of their products. Because Brooklinen frames the invitation email around the giveaway, instead of the survey. Completing the survey is only a simple condition to join and it takes two minutes.

Positioning your surveys around a giveaway can help increase your completions and make your products desirable. Following this approach, Brooklinen only reaches out to their email subscribers and asks for their opinion.

If you want to reach a bigger audience and collect more insights, you can create an onsite survey campaign, instead. You can add a condition to hide your campaign from your first-time visitors and get more accurate feedback.

Or you can only show it to visitors who spend an X amount of time on your site. Livingshop uses a campaign to survey their customers at checkout:. Plus, you can turn it into a giveaway with a little twist.

With a minor addition, you can turn your giveaway page into an automated lead generation machine. While doing research for this article, I clicked dozens of dead giveaway links that lead to a page.

And in many other cases, companies let me know that their giveaway ended, but they failed to point me to a new direction. Instead of shutting down your giveaway pages, you can turn them into a lead generator until your next campaign.

When you visit one of their old giveaway pages, first, they inform you that this campaign is closed. Bellroy successfully eases your frustration and gives you a strong reason to sign up for their email list. So the more of it you can gather, the better. GoPro is an absolute master at this.

Admittedly, GoPro has a distinct advantage: it sells action cameras, which are pretty closely related to the action of taking photos and videos. Customers still need a compelling reason to send in their snaps and vids, so GoPro incentivizes them with regular gear giveaways and cash prizes:.

The result? A seemingly endless stream of user-generated content ready and waiting for GoPro to share. Pro tip: Notice how GoPro uses dedicated UGC hashtags. So why not raise the stakes by adding more scarcity in the form of a limited-edition product giveaway? Cotton Bureau used this strategy as part of its 10th birthday celebration, giving customers the chance to win various limited-edition goodies by entering a specific code during the checkout process:.

From T-shirts to pens to coffee mugs, it turns out branded merchandise is a big hit with consumers. Indeed, 53 percent of Americans love receiving these sorts of products from brands.

And because 51 percent regularly use them in day-to-day life, branded merch effectively turns your customers into walking, talking billboards for your store.

Death Wish Coffee Company is an excellent case in point. So when the company offered the chance to win a branded coffee mug, customers jumped at the opportunity:. If the purpose of your giveaway is to get in front of new audiences, one effective approach is to team up with a complementary brand.

That way, you get instant access to their customers plus you get to share the promotional costs. For this strategy to pay off, your collaboration needs to make sense.

Yet this campaign worked by leveraging nostalgia. Giveaways are one of our favorite strategies for generating ecommerce leads. But they only work if you get your targeting and placement right.

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Whitney is the Content Marketing Manager of Drip. Ecommerce and customer-obsessed, when she's not creating amazing content, she's busy cross-stitching, painting, or playing video games. Skip Navigation Drip Demo Drip. Product Show submenu for Product. Deliver spot-on messages with dynamic segmentation.

Run multi-channel marketing strategies on autopilot. And because you just hand the bag over, your guests have no incentive to interact or share data with you. Most brands and businesses want to interact more with their customers and event attendees. Because the key to marketing in the 21st century is genuine, one-to-one relationships between people and companies.

You want to meet your customers directly. And if you can inject some fun into that interaction, even better. Roulette wheels , vintage arcade games , and even traditional fairground games have become popular at corporate events, tradeshows, and expos.

Games like this also enable you to save the prizes for people who really make the time to talk to you. That brings us to the next idea in our ranking: raffles and giveaways. Like this giveaway? Just like arcade games, a giveaway lets you share a few prizes with select members of your audience.

But unlike physical games, you can make the contest available to hundreds of people at once, because people sign up with their mobile phones. Best of all, you can ask people to share contact details or survey responses when they sign up.

So raffles and giveaways are a powerful tool for lead generation and qualification. Make sure that your choice fits in with the overall event strategy. It combines the best of all worlds. While your audience have fun joining in on their mobile phones, you can award a few select prizes… without ever detracting attention from the main presentation.

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